These animations are from Carnegie-Mellon motion capture dataset. More information at:

There are 2548 animations in the CMU set

v01 Of THIS package includes 2056 animations

Opensim has a maximum animation length of 60 seconds

there are 60 animations in the CMU set that are over 60 seconds in length, and so not included in this package

animation 114_05

corrupt and unable to be uploaded

animations 136_25 thru 144_11

incorrect hip joint label is assigned, will attempt to correct for future releases.

There are a LOT of animations here, load times can be extensive to view them all. Patience will be rewarded

This package is released in three separate boxes, please be aware that only 1,000 files will appear in a single folder in your inventory, so it may be wise to keep your animations well organized.

Each animation has a number and name corresponding to the original CMU Dataset, several files have a name of "unknown" this is how they came from the CMU dataset. Perhaps someone is energetic and would like to create new names for these files and share with the rest of us!

Have fun! Keep in touch for updates and let us know if you make any improvements or have some cool ideas to share.

BVH Conversion Release - motions list
Carnegie-Mellon Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database
full file listing with descriptions, word processor format
v1.02 last update May 4, 2009

Compiled from the individual CMU index files by B. Hahne
Descriptions for motions sets 106-108 provided by David Lindsley

CMU's description database doesn't always give a description.  In those cases, 
this file lists the description as “Unknown”.

CMU free motion capture database on the web:
BVH conversions of CMU motion capture database and others: see

CMU says: “When browsing for motions, start with the higher numbered subjects first. The 
lower numbers contain some of our earliest motion capture sessions, and may not be as high quality.”

Subject #1 (climb, swing, hang on playground equipment)

01_01	playground - forward jumps, turn around
01_02	playground - climb
01_03	playground - climb, hang, swing
01_04	playground - climb
01_05	playground - climb, go under
01_06	playground - climb, sit, dangle legs, descend
01_07	playground - climb, sit, dangle legs, jump down
01_08	playground - climb, sit, dangle legs, rock back, lower self to ground
01_09	playground - climb, hang, hold self up with arms straight, swing, drop, sit, dangle legs, go under
01_10	playground - climb, swing, lean back, drop
01_11	playground - climb, hang, lean over, jump down
01_12	playground - climb, pull up, dangle, sit, lower self to ground
01_13	playground - climb, go under, jump down
01_14	playground - climb, jump down, dangle, legs push off against

Subject #2 (various expressions and human behaviors)

02_01	walk
02_02	walk
02_03	run/jog
02_04	jump, balance
02_05	punch/strike
02_06	bend over, scoop up, rise, lift arm
02_07	swordplay
02_08	swordplay
02_09	swordplay
02_10	wash self

Subject #3 (walk on uneven terrain)

03_01	walk on uneven terrain
03_02	walk on uneven terrain
03_03	walk on uneven terrain
03_04	walk on uneven terrain

Subject #5 (modern dance)

05_01	walk
05_02	dance - expressive arms, pirouette
05_03	dance - sideways arabesque, turn step, folding arms
05_04	dance - sideways arabesque, folding arms, bending back
05_05	dance - quasi-cou-de-pied, raised leg above hip-height, jete en tourant
05_06	dance - cartwheel-like start, pirouettes, jete
05_07	dance - small jetes, attitude/arabesque, shifted-axis pirouette, turn
05_08	dance - rond de jambe in the air, jete, turn
05_09	dance - glissade devant, glissade derriere, attitude/arabesque
05_10	dance - glissade devant, glissade derriere, attitude/arabesque
05_11	dance - sideways steps, pirouette
05_12	dance - arms held high, pointe tendue a terre, upper body rotation
05_13	dance - small jetes, pirouette
05_14	dance - retire derriere, attitude/arabesque
05_15	dance - retire derriere, attitude/arabesque
05_16	dance - coupe dessous, jete en tourant
05_17	dance - coupe dessous, grand jete en tourant
05_18	dance - attitude/arabesque, jete en tourant, bending back
05_19	dance - attitude/arabesque, jete en tourant, bending back
05_20	dance - attitude/arabesque, jete en tourant, bending back

Subject #6 (dribble, shoot basketball)

06_01	walk
06_02	basketball - forward dribble
06_03	basketball - forward dribble
06_04	basketball - forward dribble
06_05	basketball - forward dribble
06_06	basketball - backward dribble
06_07	basketball - backward dribble
06_08	basketball - sideways dribble
06_09	basketball - sideways dribble
06_10	basketball - forward dribble, 90-degree left turns
06_11	basketball - forward dribble, 90-degree right turns
06_12	basketball - forward dribble, 90-degree right turns, crossover dribble
06_13	basketball - low, fast free style dribble, dribble through legs
06_14	basketball - crossover dribble, shoot
06_15	basketball - dribble, shoot

Subject #7 (walk)

07_01	walk
07_02	walk
07_03	walk
07_04	slow walk
07_05	slow walk
07_06	walk
07_07	walk
07_08	walk
07_09	walk
07_10	walk
07_11	walk
07_12	brisk walk

Subject #8 (walk)

08_01	walk
08_02	walk
08_03	walk
08_04	slow walk
08_05	walk/stride
08_06	walk
08_07	walk, exaggerated stride
08_08	walk
08_09	walk
08_10	walk
08_11	slow walk/stride

Subject #9 (run)

09_01	run
09_02	run
09_03	run
09_04	run
09_05	run
09_06	run
09_07	run
09_08	run
09_09	run
09_10	run
09_11	run
09_12	navigate - walk forward, backward, sideways

Subject #10 (kick soccer ball)

10_01	soccer - kick ball
10_02	soccer - kick ball
10_03	soccer - kick ball
10_04	walk
10_05	soccer - kick ball
10_06	soccer - kick ball

Subject #11 (kick soccer ball)

11_01	soccer - kick ball

Subject #12 (tai chi, walk)

12_01	walk
12_02	walk
12_03	walk
12_04	tai chi

Subject #13 (various everyday behaviors)

13_01	sit on high stool, stand up
13_02	sit on high stool, stand up
13_03	sit on high stool, stand up
13_04	sit on stepstool, chin in hand
13_05	sit on stepstool, hands against chin, fidget, stand up
13_06	sit on stepstool, hands against chin, elbow out, stand up
13_07	unscrew bottlecap, drink soda
13_08	unscrew bottlecap, drink soda, screw on bottlecap
13_09	drink soda
13_10	jump up to grab, reach for, tiptoe
13_11	forward jump
13_12	jump up to grab, reach for, tiptoe
13_13	forward jump
13_14	laugh
13_15	laugh
13_16	laugh
13_17	boxing
13_18	boxing
13_19	forward jump
13_20	wash windows
13_21	wash windows
13_22	wash windows
13_23	sweep floor
13_24	sweep floor
13_25	sweep floor
13_26	direct traffic, wave
13_27	direct traffic, wave, point
13_28	direct traffic, wave, point
13_29	jumping jacks, side twists, bend over, squats
13_30	jumping jacks, side twists, squats, jog
13_31	jumping jacks, side twists, bend over, jog
13_32	forward jump
13_33	climb ladder
13_34	climb ladder
13_35	climb 3 steps
13_36	climb 3 steps
13_37	climb 3 steps
13_38	climb 3 steps
13_39	jump
13_40	jump
13_41	jump
13_42	jump

Subject #14 (various everyday behaviors)

14_01	boxing
14_02	boxing
14_03	boxing
14_04	drink soda, screw on bottlecap
14_05	unscrew bottlecap, drink soda
14_06	jumping jacks, jog, squats, side twists, stretches
14_07	jump up to grab, reach for, tiptoe
14_08	jump up to grab, reach for, tiptoe
14_09	jump up to grab, reach for, tiptoe
14_10	wash windows
14_11	wash windows
14_12	wash windows
14_13	mop floor
14_14	jumping jacks, jog, squats, side twists, stretches
14_15	mop floor
14_16	sweep floor
14_17	laugh
14_18	laugh
14_19	laugh
14_20	jumping jacks, side twists, reach up, bend over
14_21	climb 3 steps
14_22	climb 3 steps
14_23	climb 3 steps
14_24	direct traffic, wave, point
14_25	direct traffic, wave, point
14_26	direct traffic, wave, point
14_27	sit on high stool, stand up
14_28	sit on high stool, stand up
14_29	sit on stepstool, stand up, swing legs
14_30	sit on stepstool, ankle on other knee, hand on chin
14_31	sit on stepstool, stand up
14_32	sit on stepstool, stand up
14_33	climb ladder
14_34	climb ladder
14_35	climb ladder
14_36	sit on stepstool, stand up
14_37	drink soda

Subject #15 (various everyday behaviors, dance moves)

15_01	walk/wander
15_02	climb, step over, sit on, stand on stepstool
15_03	walk/wander
15_04	wash windows, paint; hand signals; dance - Egyptian walk, the Dive, the Twist, the Cabbage Patch; boxing
15_05	wash windows, paint; hand signals; dance - Egyptian walk, the Dive, the Twist, the Cabbage Patch; boxing
15_06	lean forward, reach for
15_07	lean forward, tiptoe, reach for
15_08	hand signals - horizontally revolve forearms
15_09	walk/wander
15_10	sit on high stool, stand up
15_11	wash windows, paint figure eights; hand signals
15_12	wash windows; basketball - dribble, lay-up shot, pass; throw ball; dance - Egyptian walk, the Dive, the Twist; strew
15_13	boxing
15_14	walk/wander

Subject #16 (run, jump, walk)

16_01	jump
16_02	jump
16_03	high jump
16_04	high jump
16_05	forward jump
16_06	forward jump
16_07	forward jump
16_08	run/jog, sudden stop
16_09	forward jump
16_10	forward jump
16_11	walk, veer left
16_12	walk, veer left
16_13	walk, veer right
16_14	walk, veer right
16_15	walk
16_16	walk
16_17	walk, 90-degree left turn
16_18	walk, 90-degree left turn
16_19	walk, 90-degree right turn
16_20	walk, 90-degree right turn
16_21	walk
16_22	walk
16_23	walk, veer left
16_24	walk, veer left
16_25	walk, veer right
16_26	walk, veer right
16_27	walk, 90-degree left turn
16_28	walk, 90-degree left turn
16_29	walk, 90-degree right turn
16_30	walk, 90-degree right turn
16_31	walk
16_32	walk
16_33	slow walk, stop
16_34	slow walk, stop
16_35	run/jog
16_36	run/jog
16_37	run/jog, veer left
16_38	run/jog, veer left
16_39	run/jog, veer right
16_40	run/jog, veer right
16_41	run/jog, 90-degree left turn
16_42	run/jog, 90-degree left turn
16_43	run/jog, 90-degree right turn
16_44	run/jog, 90-degree right turn
16_45	run/jog
16_46	run/jog
16_47	walk
16_48	run, veer left
16_49	run, veer right
16_50	run, veer right
16_51	run, 90-degree left turn
16_52	run, 90-degree left turn
16_53	run, 90-degree right turn
16_54	run, 90-degree right turn
16_55	run
16_56	run/jog
16_57	run/jog, sudden stop
16_58	walk

Subject #17 (different walking styles)

17_01	walk with anger, frustration
17_02	walk with anger, frustration
17_03	walk stealthily
17_04	walk stealthily
17_05	walk/hobble
17_06	whistle, walk jauntily
17_07	whistle, walk jauntily
17_08	muscular, heavyset person's walk
17_09	muscular, heavyset person's walk
17_10	boxing

Subject #18 (human interaction and communication (2 subjects - subject A))

18_01	walk, shake hands (2 subjects - subject A)
18_02	walk, shake hands (2 subjects - subject A)
18_03	A pulls B; B resists (2 subjects - subject A)
18_04	A pulls B; B resists (2 subjects - subject A)
18_05	A pulls B by the elbow; B resists (2 subjects - subject A)
18_06	A pulls B by the elbow; B resists (2 subjects - subject A)
18_07	navigate busy sidewalk; A leads the way, takes B by the arm (2 subjects - subject A)
18_08	conversation - explain with hand gestures (2 subjects - subject A)
18_09	conversation - explain with hand gestures, walk (2 subjects - subject A)
18_10	quarrel - angry hand gestures (2 subjects - subject A)
18_11	quarrel - angry hand gestures (2 subjects - subject A)
18_12	friends meet, hang out; A sits, B joins A (2 subjects - subject A)
18_13	run, scramble for last seat (2 subjects - subject A)
18_14	run, scramble for last seat (2 subjects - subject A)
18_15	chicken dance (2 subjects - subject A)

Subject #19 (human interaction and communication (2 subjects - subject B))

19_01	walk, shake hands (2 subjects - subject B)
19_02	walk, shake hands (2 subjects - subject B)
19_03	A pulls B; B resists (2 subjects - subject B)
19_04	A pulls B; B resists (2 subjects - subject B)
19_05	A pulls B by the elbow; B resists (2 subjects - subject B)
19_06	A pulls B by the elbow; B resists (2 subjects - subject B)
19_07	navigate busy sidewalk; A leads the way, takes B by the arm (2 subjects - subject B)
19_08	conversation - explain with hand gestures (2 subjects - subject B)
19_09	conversation - explain with hand gestures, walk (2 subjects - subject B)
19_10	quarrel - angry hand gestures (2 subjects - subject B)
19_11	quarrel - angry hand gestures (2 subjects - subject B)
19_12	friends meet, hang out; A sits, B joins A (2 subjects - subject B)
19_13	run, scramble for last seat (2 subjects - subject B)
19_14	run, scramble for last seat (2 subjects - subject B)
19_15	chicken dance (2 subjects - subject B)

Subject #20 (human interaction - at play, formations (2 subjects - subject A))

20_01	chicken dance (2 subjects - subject A)
20_02	link arms, walk (2 subjects - subject A)
20_03	link arms, walk (2 subjects - subject A)
20_04	synchronized walk (2 subjects - subject A)
20_05	synchronized walk (2 subjects - subject A)
20_06	soldiers march (2 subjects - subject A)
20_07	soldiers march (2 subjects - subject A)
20_08	zombie march (2 subjects - subject A)
20_09	nursery rhyme - ring around the rosey (2 subjects - subject A)
20_10	360-degree two-person whip (2 subjects - subject A)
20_11	high-five, walk (2 subjects - subject A)
20_12	low-five, walk (2 subjects - subject A)
20_13	blind man's bluff (blindfold tag) (2 subjects - subject A)

Subject #21 (human interaction - at play, formations (2 subjects - subject B))

21_01	chicken dance (2 subjects - subject B)
21_02	link arms, walk (2 subjects - subject B)
21_03	link arms, walk (2 subjects - subject B)
21_04	synchronized walk (2 subjects - subject B)
21_05	synchronized walk (2 subjects - subject B)
21_06	soldiers march (2 subjects - subject B)
21_07	soldiers march (2 subjects - subject B)
21_08	zombie march (2 subjects - subject B)
21_09	nursery rhyme - ring around the rosey (2 subjects - subject B)
21_10	360-degree two-person whip (2 subjects - subject B)
21_11	high-five, walk (2 subjects - subject B)
21_12	low-five, walk (2 subjects - subject B)
21_13	blind man's bluff (blindfold tag) (2 subjects - subject B)

Subject #22 (human interaction (2 subjects - subject A))

22_01	B sits; A pulls up B (2 subjects - subject A)
22_02	A sits; B pulls up A (2 subjects - subject A)
22_03	A sits, holds face in hands; B kneels, comforts A (2 subjects - subject A)
22_04	B comforts A, puts one hand on A's shoulder (2 subjects - subject A)
22_05	A comforts B, puts both hands on B's shoulders (2 subjects - subject A)
22_06	B comforts A, puts both hands on A's shoulders (2 subjects - subject A)
22_07	A comforts B, puts one hand on B's shoulder (2 subjects - subject A)
22_08	hold hands, swing arms, walk (2 subjects - subject A)
22_09	A gives B a shoulder rub; B sits, A stands (2 subjects - subject A)
22_10	A shelters B, a younger child, from harm (2 subjects - subject A)
22_11	B shelters A, a younger child, from harm (2 subjects - subject A)
22_12	A stumbles into B (2 subjects - subject A)
22_13	A passes soda to B; both drink (2 subjects - subject A)
22_14	alternating squats (2 subjects - subject A)
22_15	alternating jumping jacks (2 subjects - subject A)
22_16	synchronized jumping jacks (2 subjects - subject A)
22_17	rush up, arm wrestle (2 subjects - subject A)
22_18	A stares down B, leans with hands on high stool (2 subjects - subject A)
22_19	B stares down A, leans with hands on high stool (2 subjects - subject A)
22_20	violence - A picks up high stool, threatens to strike B (2 subjects - subject A)
22_21	conversation - B pounds high stool, points at A (2 subjects - subject A)
22_22	walk; B catches keys thrown by A (2 subjects - subject A)
22_23	walk; A catches keys thrown by B (2 subjects - subject A)
22_24	walk; B catches wallet thrown by A (2 subjects - subject A)
22_25	walk; A catches wallet thrown by B (2 subjects - subject A)

Subject #23 (human interaction (2 subjects - subject B))

23_01	B sits; A pulls up B (subjects - subject B)
23_02	A sits; B pulls up A (subjects - subject B)
23_03	A sits, holds face in hands; B kneels, comforts A (2 subjects - subject B)
23_04	B comforts A, puts one hand on A's shoulder (2 subjects - subject B)
23_05	A comforts B, puts both hands on B's shoulders (2 subjects - subject B)
23_06	B comforts A, puts both hands on A's shoulders (2 subjects - subject B)
23_07	A comforts B, puts one hand on B's shoulder (2 subjects - subject B)
23_08	hold hands, swing arms, walk (2 subjects - subject B)
23_09	A gives B a shoulder rub; B sits, A stands (subjects - subject B)
23_10	A shelters B, a younger child, from harm (2 subjects - subject B)
23_11	B shelters A, a younger child, from harm (2 subjects - subject B)
23_12	A stumbles into B (2 subjects - subject B)
23_13	A passes soda to B; both drink (2 subjects - subject B)
23_14	alternating squats (2 subjects - subject B)
23_15	alternating jumping jacks (2 subjects - subject B)
23_16	synchronized jumping jacks (2 subjects - subject B)
23_17	rush up, arm wrestle (2 subjects - subject B)
23_18	A stares down B, leans with hands on high stool (2 subjects - subject B)
23_19	B stares down A, leans with hands on high stool (2 subjects - subject B)
23_20	violence - A picks up high stool, threatens to strike B (2 subjects - subject B)
23_21	conversation - B pounds high stool, points at A (2 subjects - subject B)
23_22	walk; B catches keys thrown by A (2 subjects - subject B)
23_23	walk; A catches keys thrown by B (2 subjects - subject B)
23_24	walk; B catches wallet thrown by A (2 subjects - subject B)
23_25	walk; A catches wallet thrown by B (2 subjects - subject B)

Subject #24 (nursery rhymes)

24_01	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."

Subject #25 (nursery rhymes)

25_01	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."

Subject #26 (nursery rhymes, basketball, bending)

26_01	walk
26_02	basketball signals
26_03	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
26_04	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
26_05	Alaska vacation
26_06	Alaska vacation
26_07	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
26_08	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
26_09	bend, pick up
26_10	bend, lift
26_11	bend, lift

Subject #27 (recreation, nursery rhymes)

27_01	walk
27_02	basketball signals
27_03	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
27_04	Alaskan vacation
27_05	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
27_06	basketball signals
27_07	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
27_08	Alaskan vacation
27_09	Alaskan vacation
27_10	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
27_11	prairie dog (human subject)

Subject #28 (recreation, nursery rhymes, animal behaviors (pantomime - human subject))

28_01	basketball signals
28_02	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
28_03	Alaskan vacation
28_04	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
28_05	basketball signals
28_06	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
28_07	Alaskan vacation
28_08	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
28_09	prairie dog (human subject)
28_10	whale (human subject)
28_11	bear (human subject)
28_12	dog (human subject)
28_13	snake (human subject)
28_14	chicken (human subject)
28_15	monkey (human subject)
28_16	mouse (human subject)
28_17	cat (human subject)
28_18	elephant (human subject)
28_19	dinosaur (human subject)

Subject #29 (recreation, nursery rhymes, animal behaviors (pantomime - human subject))

29_01	walk
29_02	basketball signals
29_03	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
29_04	Alaskan vacation
29_05	Alaskan vacation
29_06	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
29_07	basketball signals
29_08	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
29_09	Alaskan vacation
29_10	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
29_11	Alaskan vacation
29_12	Alaskan vacation
29_13	Alaskan vacation
29_14	prairie dog (human subject)
29_15	whale (human subject)
29_16	bear (human subject)
29_17	dog (human subject)
29_18	cat (human subject)
29_19	fish (human subject)
29_20	elephant (human subject)
29_21	mouse (human subject)
29_22	chicken (human subject)
29_23	dinosaur (human subject)
29_24	snake (human subject)
29_25	monkey (human subject)

Subject #30 (recreation, nursery rhymes, animal behaviors (pantomime - human subject))

30_01	basketball signals
30_02	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
30_03	Alaskan vacation
30_04	Alaskan vacation
30_05	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
30_06	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
30_07	basketball signals
30_08	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
30_09	Alaskan vacation
30_10	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
30_11	Alaskan vacation
30_12	Alaskan vacation
30_13	prairie dog (human subject)
30_14	whale (human subject)
30_15	bear (human subject)
30_16	dog (human subject)
30_17	cat (human subject)
30_18	elephant (human subject)
30_19	mouse (human subject)
30_20	chicken (human subject)
30_21	snake (human subject)
30_22	Tyrannosaurus rex (human subject)
30_23	monkey (human subject)

Subject #31 (recreation, nursery rhymes, animal behaviors (pantomime - human subject))

31_01	basketball signals
31_02	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
31_03	Alaskan vacation
31_04	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
31_05	basketball signals
31_06	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
31_07	Alaskan vacation
31_08	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
31_09	Alaskan vacation
31_10	Alaskan vacation
31_11	prairie dog (human subject)
31_12	whale (human subject)
31_13	bear (human subject)
31_14	dog (human subject)
31_15	cat (human subject)
31_16	elephant (human subject)
31_17	Tyrannosaurus rex (human subject)
31_18	mouse (human subject)
31_19	chicken (human subject)
31_20	snake (human subject)
31_21	monkey (human subject)

Subject #32 (recreation, nursery rhymes, animal behaviors (pantomime - human subject))

32_01	walk
32_02	walk
32_03	basketball signals
32_04	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
32_05	Alaskan vacation
32_06	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
32_07	basketball signals
32_08	nursery rhyme - "I'm a little teapot..."
32_09	Alaskan vacation
32_10	nursery rhyme - Cock Robin
32_11	Alaskan vacation
32_12	Alaskan vacation
32_13	prairie dog (human subject)
32_14	bear (human subject)
32_15	dog (human subject)
32_16	cat (human subject)
32_17	elephant (human subject)
32_18	mouse (human subject)
32_19	chicken (human subject)
32_20	Tyrannosaurus rex (human subject)
32_21	snake (human subject)
32_22	monkey (human subject)

Subject #33 (throw and catch football (2 subjects - subject A))

33_01	football - throw, catch (2 subjects - subject A)
33_02	football - throw, catch, jump around (2 subjects - subject A)

Subject #34 (throw and catch football (2 subjects - subject B))

34_01	football - throw, catch (2 subjects - subject B)
34_02	football - throw, catch, jump around (2 subjects - subject B)

Subject #35 (walk, run)

35_01	walk
35_02	walk
35_03	walk
35_04	walk
35_05	walk
35_06	walk
35_07	walk
35_08	walk
35_09	walk
35_10	walk
35_11	walk
35_12	walk
35_13	walk
35_14	walk
35_15	walk
35_16	walk
35_17	run/jog
35_18	run/jog
35_19	run/jog
35_20	run/jog
35_21	run/jog
35_22	run/jog
35_23	run/jog
35_24	run/jog
35_25	run/jog
35_26	run/jog
35_27	navigate around obstacles
35_28	walk
35_29	walk
35_30	walk
35_31	walk
35_32	walk
35_33	walk
35_34	walk

Subject #36 (walk on uneven terrain)

36_01	walk on uneven terrain
36_02	walk forward, turn around, walk back
36_03	walk forward, turn around, walk back
36_04	walk on uneven terrain
36_05	walk on uneven terrain
36_06	walk on uneven terrain
36_07	walk on uneven terrain
36_08	walk on uneven terrain
36_09	walk forward, turn around, walk back
36_10	walk on uneven terrain
36_11	walk on uneven terrain
36_12	walk on uneven terrain
36_13	walk on uneven terrain
36_14	walk on uneven terrain
36_15	walk on uneven terrain
36_16	walk on uneven terrain
36_17	walk on uneven terrain
36_18	walk on uneven terrain
36_19	walk on uneven terrain
36_20	walk on uneven terrain
36_21	walk on uneven terrain
36_22	walk on uneven terrain
36_23	walk on uneven terrain
36_24	walk on uneven terrain
36_25	walk on uneven terrain
36_26	walk on uneven terrain
36_27	walk on uneven terrain
36_28	walk on uneven terrain
36_29	walk on uneven terrain
36_30	walk on uneven terrain
36_31	walk on uneven terrain
36_32	walk on uneven terrain
36_33	walk on uneven terrain
36_34	walk on uneven terrain
36_35	walk on uneven terrain
36_36	walk on uneven terrain
36_37	jump/hop on uneven terrain

Subject #37 (walk)

37_01	slow walk

Subject #38 (walk, run)

38_01	walk
38_02	walk
38_03	run around in a circle
38_04	walk around, frequent turns, cyclic walk along a line

Subject #39 (climb, swing, hang on playground equipment)

39_01	walk
39_02	walk
39_03	walk
39_04	walk
39_05	walk
39_06	walk
39_07	walk
39_08	walk
39_09	walk
39_10	walk
39_11	walk forward, turn around, walk back
39_12	walk
39_13	walk
39_14	walk

Subject #40 (navigate from corner to corner, interact with stepstool)

40_02	navigate - walk forward, backward, on a diagonal
40_03	navigate - walk forward, backward, on a diagonal
40_04	navigate - walk forward, backward, on a diagonal
40_05	navigate - walk forward, backward, on a diagonal
40_06	climb, step over, sit on, jump over stepstool
40_07	climb, step over, jump over stepstool
40_08	climb, step over, jump over stepstool
40_09	climb, step over, jump over stepstool
40_10	wait for bus
40_11	wait for bus
40_12	basketball signals

Subject #41 (navigate from corner to corner, interact with stepstool)

41_02	navigate - walk forward, backward, sideways, on a diagonal
41_03	navigate - walk forward, backward, sideways, on a diagonal
41_04	navigate - walk forward, backward, on a diagonal
41_05	navigate - walk forward, backward, on a diagonal
41_06	navigate - walk forward, backward, on a diagonal
41_07	climb, step over, jump over, navigate around stepstool
41_08	climb, step over, jump over, navigate around stepstool
41_09	climb, step over, jump over, navigate around stepstool
41_10	basketball signals
41_11	basketball signals

Subject #42 (stretch)

42_01	stretch - rotate head, shoulders, arms, legs

Subject #43 (swing on playground equipment)

43_01	walk
43_02	playground - grip bar, swing body
43_03	playground - grip bar, swing body

Subject #45 (walk)

45_01	walk

Subject #46 (walk)

46_01	walk

Subject #47 (walk)

47_01	walk forward, turn around, walk back

Subject #49 (modern dance, gymnastics)

49_01	walk
49_02	jump up and down, hop on one foot
49_03	jump up and down, hop on one foot
49_04	run, leap
49_05	run, leap
49_06	cartwheel
49_07	cartwheel
49_08	cartwheels
49_09	dance - arms held high, side arabesque
49_10	dance - fold in from side arabesque, curl inwards
49_11	dance - fold in from side arabesque, curl inwards
49_12	dance - lean forward, bring back leg forward, arching arms
49_13	dance - fold in from side arabesque, curl inwards
49_14	dance - lean forward, bring back leg forward, arching arms
49_15	static dance pose - folded in, head lowered, leg bent
49_16	dance - fold in from side arabesque, curl inwards
49_17	dance - lean forward, bring back leg forward, arching arms
49_18	balance on one leg, outstretched arms
49_19	balance on one leg, outstretched arms
49_20	balance on one leg, outstretched arms
49_21	acrobatics - spin/twirl, hang on ropes
49_22	dance - lean back on bent leg, balance, bend elbow by ear

Subject #54 (animal behaviors (pantomime - human subject))

54_01	monkey (human subject)
54_02	bear (human subject)
54_03	penguin (human subject)
54_04	pterosaur (human subject)
54_05	pterosaur (human subject)
54_06	pterosaur (human subject)
54_07	prairie dog (human subject)
54_08	roadrunner (human subject)
54_09	insect/praying mantis (human subject)
54_10	ghost (human subject)
54_11	penguin (human subject)
54_12	dragon (human subject)
54_13	dragon (human subject)
54_14	monkey (human subject)
54_15	prairie dog (human subject)
54_16	superhero
54_17	squirrel (human subject)
54_18	squirrel (human subject)
54_19	squirrel - robotic like motion (human subject)
54_20	follow path, walk around obstacles
54_21	follow path, walk around obstacles
54_22	follow path, walk around obstacles
54_23	monkey (human subject)
54_24	hummingbird (human subject)
54_25	chicken (human subject)
54_26	chicken (human subject)
54_27	chicken (human subject)

Subject #55 (animal behaviors (pantomime - human subject))

55_01	dance, whirl
55_02	lambada dance
55_03	genie (human subject)
55_04	walk
55_05	hummingbird (human subject)
55_06	chicken (human subject)
55_07	chicken (human subject)
55_08	monkey (human subject)
55_09	monkey (human subject)
55_10	hummingbird (human subject)
55_11	animal (human subject)
55_12	dancing bear (human subject)
55_13	insect/praying mantis (human subject)
55_14	prairie dog (human subject)
55_15	roadrunner (human subject)
55_16	panda (human subject)
55_17	ghost (human subject)
55_18	penguin (human subject)
55_19	dragon (human subject)
55_20	hippo ballerina (human subject)
55_21	pterosaur (human subject)
55_22	superhero
55_23	devil
55_24	various animals (human subject)
55_25	dancing animal (human subject)
55_26	monkey (human subject)
55_27	dancing ant (human subject)
55_28	monkey/bear (human subject)

Subject #56 (vignettes - locomotion, upper-body motions (focus: motion transitions))

56_01	walk around
56_02	vignettes - fists up, wipe window, yawn, stretch, angrily grab, smash against wall
56_03	vignettes - fists up, wipe window, yawn, stretch, angrily grab, smash against wall, lift open window, throw punches, skip
56_04	vignettes - fists up, wipe window, grab, lift open window, throw punches, yawn, stretch, walk, jump
56_05	vignettes - walk, drink water, run/jog, jump, wipe window, lift open window, throw punches, yawn, stretch
56_06	vignettes - throw punches, grab, skip, yawn, stretch, leap, lift open window, walk, jump/bound
56_07	vignettes - yawn, stretch, walk, run/jog, angrily grab, jump, skip, halt
56_08	vignettes - lift open window, smash against wall, hop, walk, run/jog, yawn, stretch

Subject #60 (salsa)

60_01	salsa dance
60_02	salsa dance
60_03	salsa dance
60_04	salsa dance
60_05	salsa dance
60_06	salsa dance
60_07	salsa dance
60_08	salsa dance
60_09	salsa dance
60_10	salsa dance
60_11	salsa dance
60_12	salsa dance
60_13	salsa dance
60_14	salsa dance
60_15	salsa dance

Subject #61 (salsa)

61_01	salsa dance
61_02	salsa dance
61_03	salsa dance
61_04	salsa dance
61_05	salsa dance
61_06	salsa dance
61_07	salsa dance
61_08	salsa dance
61_09	salsa dance
61_10	salsa dance
61_11	salsa dance
61_12	salsa dance
61_13	salsa dance
61_14	salsa dance
61_15	salsa dance

Subject #62 (construction work, random motions)

62_01	bolt loosening, wrench
62_02	bolt tightening, wrench
62_03	sawing, hand saw
62_04	screwing
62_05	screwing
62_06	unscrewing
62_07	hammering a nail
62_08	hammering a nail
62_09	pulling a nail
62_10	hammering sequence
62_11	cleaning up
62_12	hard days drink
62_13	moving a stool
62_14	opening umbrella
62_15	opening umbrella
62_16	closing umbrella
62_17	opening and closing umbrella
62_18	closing a box
62_19	opening a box
62_20	closing, moving and opening a box
62_21	coiling a rope
62_22	dynamic calibration
62_23	bolt tightening
62_24	bolt tightening, with putting bolt in
62_25	bolt loosening, wrench

Subject #63 (golf)

63_01	Swing

Subject #64 (golf)

64_01	Swing
64_02	Swing
64_03	Swing
64_04	Swing
64_05	Swing
64_06	Swing
64_07	Swing
64_08	Swing
64_09	Swing
64_10	Swing
64_11	Putt
64_12	Putt
64_13	Putt
64_14	Putt
64_15	Putt
64_16	Placing Tee
64_17	Placing Tee
64_18	Placing Tee
64_19	Placing Tee
64_20	Placing Tee
64_21	Placing Ball
64_22	Placing Ball
64_23	Placing Ball
64_24	Placing Ball
64_25	Placing Ball
64_26	Picking up Ball
64_27	Picking up Ball
64_28	Picking up Ball
64_29	Picking up Ball
64_30	Picking up Ball

Subject #69 (walking)

69_01	walk forward
69_02	walk forward
69_03	walk forward
69_04	walk forward
69_05	walk forward
69_06	walk and turn (repeated)
69_07	walk and turn (repeated)
69_08	walk and turn (repeated)
69_09	walk and turn (repeated)
69_10	walk and turn (repeated)
69_11	walk and turn (repeated)
69_12	walk and turn both directions (repeated)
69_13	walk, turn in place (repeated)
69_14	walk, turn in place (repeated)
69_15	walk, turn in place (repeated)
69_16	turn in place
69_17	turn in place
69_18	turn in place (opposite direction)
69_19	turn in place (opposite direction)
69_20	walk forward 90 degree right turn
69_21	walk forward 90 degree right turn
69_22	walk forward 90 degree right turn
69_23	walk forward 90 degree right turn
69_24	walk forward 90 degree left turn
69_25	walk forward 90 degree left turn
69_26	walk forward 90 degree left turn
69_27	walk forward 90 degree left turn
69_28	walk forward 90 degree smooth right turn
69_29	walk forward 90 degree smooth right turn
69_30	walk forward 90 degree smooth right turn
69_31	walk forward 90 degree smooth left turn
69_32	walk forward 90 degree smooth left turn
69_33	walk forward 90 degree smooth left turn
69_34	walk backwards and turn
69_35	walk backwards and turn
69_36	walk backwards and turn
69_37	walk backwards and turn
69_38	walk backwards and turn (repeated)
69_39	walk backward, turn in place
69_40	walk backward, turn in place
69_41	walk backward, turn in place
69_42	walk sideways and turn (repeated)
69_43	walk sideways and turn (repeated)
69_44	walk sideways and turn (repeated)
69_45	walk sideways and turn (repeated)
69_46	walk sideways and turn (repeated)
69_47	walk sideways and turn (repeated)
69_48	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_49	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_50	walk sideways and backwards
69_51	walk backwards and turn
69_52	walk backwards and turn
69_53	walk backwards and turn
69_54	walk backwards and turn
69_55	walk backwards and turn
69_56	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_57	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_58	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_59	walk sideways and turn
69_60	walk sideways and turn
69_61	walk sideways and turn
69_62	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_63	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_64	walk sideways and turn (opposite direction)
69_65	walk sideways and turn
69_66	walk sideways and turn
69_67	walk sideways and turn
69_68	walk forward and pick up object, set down object
69_69	walk forward and pick up object, carry back object
69_70	walk up to object, squat, pick up object, set down in another place.
69_71	walk up to object, squat, pick up object, set down in another place
69_72	walk up to object, pick up object, set down in another place
69_73	walk up to object, lean over, pick up object, set down in another place
69_74	walk up to object, lean over, pick up object, set down in another place
69_75	walk up to object, squat, pick up object, set down in another place

Subject #70 (suitcase)

70_01	carry 5.5lb suitcase
70_02	carry 5.5lb suitcase
70_03	carry 19.5lb suitcase
70_04	carry 19.5lb suitcase
70_05	carry 19.5lb suitcase
70_06	carry 19.5lb suitcase
70_07	carry 19.5lb suitcase
70_08	carry 19.5lb suitcase
70_09	carry 19.5lb suitcase
70_10	carry 12.5lb suitcase
70_11	carry 12.5lb suitcase
70_12	carry 12.5lb suitcase
70_13	carry 12.5lb suitcase

Subject #74 (kicks and walking on slopes)

74_01	stiff walk
74_02	stiff walk
74_03	kick
74_04	kick
74_05	kick
74_06	kick
74_07	lifting up
74_08	lifting up
74_09	Unknown
74_10	peeping
74_11	peeping
74_12	thinker
74_13	Range of motion
74_14	slope 1
74_15	slope1
74_16	slope 2
74_17	slope 2
74_18	slope 3
74_19	slope 3
74_20	stiff walk

Subject #75 (jumps; hopscotch; sits)

75_01	run jump
75_02	run jump
75_03	run jump
75_04	wide leg run
75_05	cross leg run
75_06	180 jump
75_07	angle jumps
75_08	360 jumps
75_09	360 jump
75_10	2 jump
75_11	2 jump
75_12	box jump
75_13	hopscotch
75_14	hopscotch
75_15	long jumps
75_16	jump kick
75_17	medium sit
75_18	high sit
75_19	medium sit
75_20	low sit

Subject #76 (avoidance)

76_01	walk backwards then attack with a punch
76_02	walk backwards, feign a few attacks, then attack
76_03	avoid attacker
76_04	defensive guard pose
76_05	swatting at pesky bug
76_06	avoid stepping on something
76_07	Unknown
76_08	careful stepping over things
76_09	walking backwards
76_10	turning
76_11	quick large steps backwards

Subject #77 (careful actions)

77_01	looking around
77_02	standing
77_03	ready stance
77_04	Looking around
77_05	look around with flashlight
77_06	searching ground
77_07	poking ground
77_08	investigating thing on ground with two hands
77_09	duck to avoid flying object
77_10	careful run
77_11	careful run
77_12	careful run in circle
77_13	careful run in figure eight
77_14	careful creeping
77_15	careful creeping
77_16	laying down, getting up, careful ready pose
77_17	laying down, getting up, careful ready pose
77_18	laying down on back, getting up, careful ready pose
77_19	limping, hurt right leg
77_20	limping, hurt right leg
77_21	stretching
77_22	limping, hurt right leg
77_23	limping, hurt right leg
77_24	limping, hurt right leg
77_25	careful walk and search
77_26	careful walk and search
77_27	careful walk and search
77_28	careful walk
77_29	creeping walk
77_30	creeping walk
77_31	silent walk
77_32	creeping walk
77_33	creeping with limp
77_34	creep and pause, repeat

Subject #78 (walking)

78_01	LeftTightTurn         CleanedGRS
78_02	RightWideTurn            CleanedGRS
78_03	LeftWideTurn     CleanedGRS
78_04	SuperTightLeft        CleanedGRS
78_05	SuperTightRight         CleanedGRS
78_06	RunningStraight       CleanedGRS
78_07	RunningWideRight       CleanedGRS
78_08	RunningWideLeft      CleanedGRS
78_09	RunningTigherLeft      CleanedGRS
78_10	RunningTighterRight      CleanedGRS
78_11	calibration
78_12	RunningNoBall     CleanedGRS
78_13	OffensiveMoveSpinLeft            CleanedGRS
78_14	OffensiveMoveSpinLeft      CleanedGRS
78_15	OffensiveMoveGoRight     CleanedGRS
78_16	OffensiveMoveGoLeft         CleanedGRs
78_17	OffensiveMoveSpinRight             CleanedGRS
78_18	WalkEvasiveLeft      CleanedGRS
78_19	WalkEvasiveRight              CleanedGRS
78_20	FeintLeftMoveRight            CleanedGRS
78_21	FeintRightMoveLeft      CleanedGRS
78_22	FakeShotBreakRight     CleanedGRs
78_23	FakeShotBreakLeft            CleanedGRS
78_24	DefensiveStraightNoStop          CleanedGRS
78_25	DefensiveStraightWithStop          CleanedGRS
78_26	DefensiveRightStopToStop           CleanedGRS
78_27	DefensiveLeftStopToStop              CleanedGRS
78_28	DefensiveMoveZigZag           CleanedGRS
78_29	DefensiveMoveSideToSide           CleanedGRS
78_30	DefensiveMoveSideToSide           CleanedGRS
78_31	Pivoting     CleanedGRS
78_32	SraightDriveFromStop          Cleaned GRS
78_33	RightDrive (left then right)    Cleaned GRS
78_34	LeftDrive (right then left)    Cleaned GRS
78_35	RightTightTurn    CleanedGRS

Subject #79 (actor everyday activities)

79_01	chopping wood
79_02	swimming
79_03	swimming
79_04	digging
79_05	sewing
79_06	hand shake
79_07	lost marker
79_08	boxing
79_09	slicing bread
79_10	chopping onions
79_11	Subject calibration
79_12	eating dinner
79_13	mixing batter
79_14	making dough
79_15	eating a sandwich
79_16	buying something
79_17	playing violin
79_18	playing drums
79_19	playing piano
79_20	hanging a picture
79_21	putting on a pull over
79_22	range of motion
79_23	putting on a jacket
79_24	putting on button up sweater
79_25	moving heavy box
79_26	planting a tree
79_27	planting a plant
79_28	putting on a ball cap
79_29	putting on a dress
79_30	pushing a swing
79_31	writing on a chalkboard
79_32	writing on a chalkboard
79_33	chug a beer
79_34	fishing
79_35	fishing
79_36	answering the phone
79_37	dialing phone
79_38	drinking water
79_39	sipping martinee
79_40	drinking a soda
79_41	sipping coffee
79_42	eating soup
79_43	painting
79_44	washing a window
79_45	bear
79_46	bear
79_47	chicken
79_48	elephant
79_49	monkey
79_50	mouse
79_51	chipmunk
79_52	prairie dog
79_53	dog
79_54	snake
79_55	sweeping
79_56	T-rex
79_57	fish
79_58	bird
79_59	cat
79_60	chicken
79_61	cow
79_62	chicken
79_63	tiger
79_64	penguin
79_65	horse
79_66	movie and trial dont match
79_67	no movie
79_68	cold
79_69	very happy
79_70	laughing
79_71	sad
79_72	crying
79_73	scared
79_74	upset
79_75	channel surfing
79_76	driving
79_77	vacuuming
79_78	taking a movie
79_79	putting on headphones
79_80	using a palm pilot
79_81	brushing teeth
79_82	putting on deoderant
79_83	shaving
79_84	combing hair
79_85	typing on a laptop
79_86	shooting bow and arrow
79_87	raking
79_88	swatting at a fly
79_89	holding a baby
79_90	washing
79_91	football
79_92	frisbee
79_93	weight lifting
79_94	flexing
79_95	rowing
79_96	shooting a gun

Subject #80 (assorted motions)

80_01	shaking hands
80_02	chopping onions
80_03	shooting a gun
80_04	sewing
80_05	digging a hole
80_06	paying for something
80_07	hanging picture
80_08	picking up something
80_09	planting a flower
80_10	boxing
80_11	putting on a sweater
80_12	fishing
80_13	drumming
80_14	teaching
80_15	putting on a coat
80_16	mixing batter
80_17	hand mixing dough
80_18	vacuuming
80_19	pushing broom
80_20	planting
80_21	pushing swing
80_22	putting on a hat
80_23	putting on a skirt
80_24	eating
80_25	answering a phone
80_26	dialing phone
80_27	setting glass of water
80_28	drinking and smoking
80_29	chugging
80_30	range of motion
80_31	making coffee
80_32	slicing
80_33	eating soup
80_34	rake leaves
80_35	putting on headphones
80_36	violin
80_37	TV
80_38	driving
80_39	Unknown
80_40	drinking from bottle
80_41	freezing
80_42	freezing
80_43	happy
80_44	laughing
80_45	crying
80_46	crying
80_47	Unknown
80_48	arguing
80_49	gorilla
80_50	cleaning window
80_51	chicken
80_52	dog
80_53	elephant
80_54	monkey
80_55	mouse
80_56	chip monk
80_57	prairie dog
80_58	snake
80_59	panther
80_60	Unknown
80_61	sweeping
80_62	bird
80_63	chicken
80_64	cat
80_65	fish
80_66	Unknown
80_67	Unknown
80_68	Unknown
80_69	painting
80_70	piano
80_71	chopping wood
80_72	swimming
80_73	shaking hands

Subject #81 (pushing a box; jumping off a ledge; walks)

81_01	fix hair and walk forward
81_02	walk forward
81_03	walk
81_04	walk at a brisk pace
81_05	push heavy object
81_06	push heavy box
81_07	pull heavy object
81_08	drag heavy object
81_09	drag heavy object
81_10	push object that is high in air
81_11	push object that is high in air
81_12	jump backwards off ledge
81_13	jump backwards off ledge
81_14	climb backwards off ledge
81_15	climb backwards off ledge
81_16	Unknown
81_17	walk forward
81_18	adjust hair walk forward

Subject #82 (jumping; pushing; emotional walks)

82_01	Static pose
82_02	Jump off ledge
82_03	Jump off ledge
82_04	Jump off ledge
82_05	sitting on ground relaxing
82_06	Pushing on heavy object
82_07	Pushing on heavy object
82_08	stand still; casual walk forward
82_09	confident walk forward
82_10	sad walk forward
82_11	normal walk forward
82_12	happy or fast walk forward
82_13	normal walk forward
82_14	walk forward and slow down
82_15	walk forward and turn sideways
82_16	bang on high object
82_17	bang on high object
82_18	static pose

Subject #83 (steps)

83_01	large sidestep to right
83_02	sidestep to the right and up a ledge
83_03	large step to a short ledge
83_04	large sidestep to right
83_05	very large sidestep to right
83_06	very large sidestep to right and down
83_07	short sidestep to right and down
83_08	medium step forward and down
83_09	short step forward and down
83_10	medium step forward and down
83_11	static pose
83_12	medium sidestep to right and down
83_13	large sidestep to right
83_14	short sidestep to left and down
83_15	short step forward
83_16	medium sidestep to left and down
83_17	medium step to left and down
83_18	short step to left and forward
83_19	medium sidestep to left
83_20	medium step forward
83_21	large step to left and forward
83_22	stretching
83_23	short sidestep to left and up
83_24	medium step to left and up
83_25	short step forward and up
83_26	medium step to left, forward, and up
83_27	walk forward stepping up stairs
83_28	walk forward stepping up stairs
83_29	walk forward stepping up stairs
83_30	walk forward stepping up stairs
83_31	walk forward stepping up stairs
83_32	walk forward stepping up stairs
83_33	sidestep to right then back to left
83_34	walk forward and up stairs
83_35	walk forward and stepping up stairs
83_36	walk forward turn 90 degrees left walk forward
83_37	walk forward turn 90 degrees right walk forward
83_38	walk forward turn 90 degrees left walk forward
83_39	walk forward turn 90 degrees right walk forward
83_40	hop forward
83_41	hop forward
83_42	long jump forward
83_43	long jump forward
83_44	medium step forward
83_45	hop forward
83_46	medium hop forward
83_47	long jump forward
83_48	short hop forward
83_49	medium hop forward
83_50	long jump forward
83_51	hop turn 90 degrees left in air
83_52	hop turn 90 degrees left in air
83_53	hop turn 90 degrees left in air
83_54	hop turn 180 degrees left in air
83_55	medium sidestep to right
83_56	hop turn left 180 degrees in air
83_57	hop turn left 180 degrees in air
83_58	hop turn left 270 degrees in air
83_59	hop turn left 270 degrees in air
83_60	hop turn left 270 degrees in air
83_61	hop turn 360 degrees left in air
83_62	hop turn left 360 degrees in air
83_63	large sidestep to right and forward
83_64	hop and turn right 360 degrees in air
83_65	hop and turn right 360 degrees in air
83_66	short sidestep to right
83_67	short sidestep to the right
83_68	medium sidestep to right

Subject #85 (jumps; flips; breakdance)

85_01	JumpTwist
85_02	JumpTwist
85_03	UpRightSequence
85_04	FancyFootWork
85_05	HandStandKicks
85_06	KickFlip
85_07	KickFlipStumble
85_08	Helicopter
85_09	motorcycle pose
85_10	EndofBreakDance
85_11	UpRightSequence
85_12	LongSequenceGood
85_13	BadStartSequnce
85_14	BreakSequencewithFlips
85_15	90TwistsFall

Subject #86 (sports and various activities)

86_01	jumps kicks and punches
86_02	walk, squats, run, stretch, jumps, punches, and drinking
86_03	walking, running, jumping, kicking, and stretching
86_04	walking, stretching, punching, chopping, and drinking
86_05	walking, jumping, jumping jacks,  jumping on one foot, punching, chopping,
86_06	walking, running, kicking, punching, knee kicking, and stretching
86_07	walking, swinging arms, stretching, jumping on one leg, and jumping
86_08	walking, squats, stretching, kicking, and punching
86_09	walking, sitting, looking, stand up
86_10	walk around, sit, stand up, and running
86_11	walking, stretching, walking and turning
86_12	walking, dragging, sweeping, dustpan, wipe window, and wipe mirror
86_13	walking around, walk up ladder, step down ladder
86_14	bouncing basketball, shooting basketball, dribble basketball, two handed dribble
86_15	walking, sitting, hand motions

Subject #87 (acrobatics)

87_01	Jump with kick and spin
87_02	T-Pose
87_03	Backflip
87_04	backflip
87_05	cartwheels

Subject #88 (acrobatics)

88_01	backflip
88_02	backflips, jump onto platform, handstands, vertical pushups
88_03	motorcycle pose
88_04	stretches, cartwheels, flips, spin kicks, spins, and fall
88_05	cartwheel into backflip
88_06	jump and spin kick
88_07	cartwheel
88_08	crouch and flip backward on hands
88_09	stretch and cartwheel
88_10	stretch and spin
88_11	stretches and jumps

Subject #89 (acrobatics)

89_01	balance object on forehead
89_02	motorcycle pose
89_03	flip and stand on one hand
89_04	spins, flips, stand on one hand
89_05	spin upside down, handstand, flips
89_06	balance beam

Subject #90 (cartwheels; acrobatics; dances)

90_01	bkwd summersult
90_02	cartwheel
90_03	cartwheel
90_04	cartwheel
90_05	jump kick
90_06	jump kick
90_07	jump kick
90_08	side flip
90_09	Flip forward onto hands and back again
90_10	90_10.amc
90_11	hand spring
90_12	bck flp twst fall
90_13	bck flp twst fall
90_14	front hand flip
90_15	front hand flip
90_16	fall on face
90_17	BannanaPeelSlip
90_18	RugPullFall
90_19	monkey backflip
90_20	monkey sequence
90_21	monkey sequence
90_22	straight walk
90_23	straight walk
90_24	ball mount
90_25	fwd ball walk
90_26	fwd ball walk
90_27	bwk ball walk
90_28	breakdance
90_29	sequesnce
90_30	russian dance
90_31	russian dance
90_32	moonwalk
90_33	arm up wide leg roll
90_34	wide leg roll
90_35	wide leg roll
90_36	wide leg roll

Subject #91 (walks and turns)

91_01	Walk digital figure eight
91_02	WalkStraight
91_03	Walk figure eight
91_04	Walking
91_05	Mummy Walk
91_06	Motorcycle Pose
91_07	mummy8
91_08	mummyDigital8
91_09	DrunkWalk
91_10	SlowWalk
91_11	LavishWalk
91_12	TooCoolWalk
91_13	SadWalk
91_14	DepressedWalk
91_15	ClumsyWalk
91_16	Limp
91_17	QuickWalk
91_18	CarefulWalk LookingAround
91_19	March
91_20	ShyWalk
91_21	acheyWalk
91_22	CasualQuickWalk
91_23	CoolWalk
91_24	HurtLegWalk
91_25	DragBadLegWalk
91_26	HurtStomachWalk
91_27	SlowWalk
91_28	GhettoWalk
91_29	NormalWalk
91_30	SexyWalk
91_31	NormalWalk
91_32	ScaredWalk
91_33	MachoWalk
91_34	NormalWalk
91_35	TrafficWalk
91_36	WalkStraight
91_37	Forward
91_38	SmallForward
91_39	JumpForward
91_40	JumpForward
91_41	JumpForward
91_42	JumpForward
91_43	JumpSmallForward
91_44	JumpSmallForward
91_45	JumpForward
91_46	Jump Turn
91_47	Jump Turn
91_48	JumpTurn
91_49	Jump Turn
91_50	JumpTurn
91_51	FurtherJumpTurn
91_52	SmallJumpTurn
91_53	180 degree jump
91_54	180
91_55	180
91_56	90
91_57	WalkForward
91_58	270
91_59	360 smallStumble
91_60	360
91_61	360
91_62	walkFigure8

Subject #93 (Charleston Dance)

93_01	Motorcycle Pose
93_02	rangeOfMotion
93_03	charleston_01
93_04	charleston_side_by_side_female
93_05	charleston_side_by_side_male
93_06	lindyHop2
93_07	Casual Walk
93_08	xtra fancY charleston

Subject #94 (indian dance)

94_01	Unknown
94_02	Unknown
94_03	Unknown
94_04	Unknown
94_05	Unknown
94_06	Unknown
94_07	Unknown
94_08	Unknown
94_09	Unknown
94_10	Unknown
94_11	Unknown
94_12	Unknown
94_13	Unknown
94_14	Unknown
94_15	Unknown
94_16	Unknown

Subject #102 (Basketball)

102_01	RightWideTurn
102_02	LeftWideTurn
102_03	SuperTightLeft
102_04	SuperTightRight
102_05	RunningStraight
102_06	RunningWideRight
102_07	RunningWideLeft
102_08	RunningTighterRight
102_09	calibration
102_10	RunningNoBall
102_11	OffensiveMoveSpinLeft
102_12	OffensiveMoveSpinLeft
102_13	OffensiveMoveGoRight
102_14	OffensiveMoveGoLeft
102_15	OffensiveMoveSpinRight
102_16	WalkEvasiveLeft
102_17	WalkEvasiveRight
102_18	FeintLeftMoveRight
102_19	FeintRightMoveLeft
102_20	FakeShotBreakRight
102_21	FakeShotBreakLeft
102_22	DefensiveStraightNoStop
102_23	DefensiveStraightWithStop
102_24	DefensiveRightStopToStop
102_25	DefensiveLeftStopToStop
102_26	DefensiveMoveZigZag
102_27	DefensiveMoveSideToSide
102_28	DefensiveMoveSideToSide
102_29	Pivoting
102_30	SraightDriveFromStop
102_31	RightDrive (left then right)
102_32	LeftDrive (right then left)
102_33	RightTightTurn

Subject #103 (Charelston Dancing)

103_01	Unknown
103_02	rangeOfMotion_01
103_03	charleston_01
103_04	charleston_side_by_side_female
103_05	charleston_side_by_side_male
103_06	lindyHop2
103_07	Casual Walk
103_08	xtra fancY charleston

Subject #104 (motion)

104_01	JogThrough
104_02	neutral Male walk, exact footfalls
104_03	Frankenstein male walk, exact footfalls
104_04	JogThrough
104_05	Unknown
104_06	StartJog
104_07	Unknown
104_08	StartJog
104_09	JogStop
104_10	JogStop
104_11	HappyGoLuckWalk
104_12	ExcitedWalk
104_13	StumbleWalk
104_14	HappyStartWalk
104_15	Unknown
104_16	SpasticWalk
104_17	SpasticStop
104_18	SpasticStop
104_19	CasualWalk
104_20	Unknown
104_21	Unknown
104_22	RegularWalk8
104_23	Unknown
104_24	Unknown
104_25	Unknown
104_26	Unknown
104_27	RegularWalkRightAngleTurns
104_28	SternWalk
104_29	SternWalk
104_30	SternWalk8
104_31	Unknown
104_32	SternWalkRightAngleTurns
104_33	Unknown
104_34	Unknown
104_35	SlowWalk
104_36	SlowWalk8
104_37	RunThrough
104_38	Unknown
104_39	SlowWalkRightAngleTurns
104_40	Unknown
104_41	ZombieWalk
104_42	ZombieWalk8
104_43	ZombieWalkRightAngleTurns
104_44	AttitudeWalk
104_45	AttitudeWalk8
104_46	AttitudeWalkRightAngleTurns
104_47	Unknown
104_48	RunThrough
104_49	Unknown
104_50	Unknown
104_51	Unknown
104_52	Unknown
104_53	StartRun
104_54	StartRun
104_55	StartRun
104_56	RunStop
104_57	RunStop

Subject #105 (motion)

105_01	WalkDigital8
105_02	WalkStraight
105_03	Walk8
105_04	Digital8
105_05	mummyWalk
105_06	MotorCyclePose
105_07	mummy8
105_08	mummyDigital8
105_09	DrunkWalk
105_10	SlowWalk
105_11	LavishWalk
105_12	TooCoolWalk
105_13	SadWalk
105_14	DepressedWalk
105_15	ClumsyWalk
105_16	Limp
105_17	QuickWalk
105_18	CarefulWalk LookingAround
105_19	March
105_20	ShyWalk
105_21	acheyWalk
105_22	CasualQuickWalk
105_23	CoolWalk
105_24	HurtLegWalk
105_25	DragBadLegWalk
105_26	HurtStomachWalk
105_27	SlowWalk
105_28	GhettoWalk
105_29	NormalWalk
105_30	SexyWalk
105_31	NormalWalk
105_32	ScaredWalk
105_33	MachoWalk
105_34	NormalWalk
105_35	TrafficWalk
105_36	WalkStraight
105_37	Forward
105_38	SmallForward
105_39	JumpForward
105_40	JumpForward
105_41	JumpForward
105_42	JumpForward
105_43	JumpSmallForward
105_44	JumpSmallForward
105_45	JumpForward
105_46	Jump Turn
105_47	Jump Turn
105_48	JumpTurn
105_49	Jump Turn
105_50	JumpTurn
105_51	FurtherJumpTurn
105_52	SmallJumpTurn
105_53	180
105_54	180
105_55	180
105_56	90
105_57	WalkForward
105_58	270
105_59	360 smallStumble
105_60	360
105_61	360
105_62	walkFigure8

Subject #106 (Female General Subject)

106_01 run
106_02 run to stop
106_03 still and then run
106_04 still, three jumps forward, and then walk
106_05 jump left, jump right
106_06 jump left 90 deg, and then jump right 90 deg
106_07 walk up steps, jump down - (problem with feet data)
106_08 walk, up big step, down steps (problem with feet data)
106_09 walk, step over obstacle (problem with feet data)
106_10 catch and toss ball
106_11 catch and toss ball
106_12 Dance - do the twist!
106_13 stretch and yawn
106_14 punch and kick (problem with feet data)
106_15 warm-up exercises  (problem with feet data)
106_16 wave hello
106_17 walk to stool, sit, get up (problem with feet data)
106_18 unknown
106_19 pace back and forth
106_20 (clean)
106_21 (bad AMC)
106_22 walk, high five
106_23 walk, shake hands, turn and walk
106_24 walk, high five
106_25 walk, turn, walk back, turn
106_26 Dance - walk, bow, turn, walk backward
106_27 walk -sad
106_28 unknown
106_29 walking - turning seven times
106_30 walk around randomly
106_31 walk backwards, turn, walk backwards
106_32 walk side-step
106_33 walk side-step
106_34 still, run, stop, turn

Subject #107 (Walking with obstacles 1)

107_01 still, walk, stop
107_02 still, walk, stop
107_03 still, walk, stop
107_04 still, walk, stop
107_05 still, walk, stop
107_06 still, walk, stop
107_07 still, walk, jump forward, stop
107_08 still, walk, crawl under, walk
107_09 still, walk, step over, walk
107_10 still, walk, stop on and over obstacle, walk
107_11 still, walk, duck under obstacle, walk
107_12 still, walk, stop
107_13 still, walk, stop
107_14 still, walk, stop

Subject #108 (Walking with obstacles 2)

108_01 still, walk, stop
108_02 still, walk, stop, wait, walk, stop
108_03 still, walk, stop, wait, walk, stop
108_04 jog
108_05 jog
108_06 jog
108_07 jog, curve to left
108_08 jog, curve to right
108_09 walk, then jog
108_10 jog, then walk
108_11 jog, then walk
108_12 jog
108_13 jog, curve to left
108_14 jog, curve to right
108_15 walk, jump forward, jog
108_16 walk, jump forward, jog
108_17 jog, with small jump over obstacle
108_18 jog, wih big jump over obstacle
108_19 jog, wih big jump over obstacle
108_20 jog, wih big jump over obstacle
108_21 jog, duck under obstacle, continue jogging
108_22 jog, duck under obstacle, continue jogging
108_23 jog, stoop under obstacle, continue jogging
108_24 jog, stoop under obstacle, continue jogging
108_25 jog, crawl under obstacle, continue jogging
108_26 jog, crawl under obstacle, continue jogging
108_27 jog, stop, wait, continue jogging
108_28 jog, stop, wait, continue jogging

Subject #111 (Pregnant Woman)

111_01	Walk backwards
111_02	Bow
111_03	Crawling
111_04	Curtsey
111_05	Dance
111_06	Get up from floor
111_07	Get up from floor
111_08	Get up from floor
111_09	Get up from chair
111_10	get up from chair
111_11	get up from chair
111_12	Lay down
111_13	March
111_14	Mope
111_15	Motorcycle
111_16	Peekaboo
111_17	Pick up
111_18	Pick up
111_19	Punch Kick
111_20	Ring around the rosie
111_21	Roll over
111_22	Range of motion
111_23	Run
111_24	Run
111_25	Shrug
111_26	Walk sideways
111_27	Walking up stairs
111_28	Standing still
111_29	Stepping over
111_30	Stepping over
111_31	Stepping up / stepping down
111_32	Stretch and yawn
111_33	Throwing
111_34	Walk
111_35	Walk
111_36	Walk and carry
111_37	Wave
111_38	Yoga
111_39	Yoga
111_40	Yoga
111_41	Yoga

Subject #113 (Post pregnant woman)

113_01	Walk backwards
113_02	Bow
113_03	Curtsey
113_04	Dance
113_05	Walk digital 8
113_06	Walk figure 8
113_07	Run
113_08	Lay down and get up
113_09	March
113_10	Walk, mope around
113_11	Motorcycle
113_12	Peekaboo
113_13	Punch and kick
113_14	Ring around the rosie
113_15	Sit in chair and get up
113_16	Shrug
113_17	Walk sideway
113_18	Walk sideways
113_19	Walking up and down stairs
113_20	Walk up and down stairs
113_21	Standing Still
113_22	Step over
113_23	Stretch and yawn
113_24	Throw
113_25	Walk
113_26	Walk and carry
113_27	Wave
113_28	Yoga
113_29	Yoga

Subject #114 (Pregnant Woman)

114_01	Motorcycle
114_02	Getting up from laying down
114_03	Range of motion
114_04	Getting up from chair
114_05	Sitting in chair
114_06	Getting up from chair
114_07	Walking up and down stairs
114_08	Walking up and down stairs
114_09	Walking up and down stairs
114_10	Stretching
114_11	Laying down and getting up
114_12	Stretching
114_13	Walk
114_14	Walk
114_15	Walk
114_16	Sit down and stretch

Subject #115 (Bending over)

115_01	Pick up box, bend from waist
115_02	Pick box up, bend from waist
115_03	Pick box up, bend from waist
115_04	Pick box up, bend from waist
115_05	Pick box up, bend from waist
115_06	Picking box up, bending knees
115_07	Picking box up, bending knees
115_08	Picking box up, bending knees
115_09	Picking box up, bending knees
115_10	Pick box up, bend from waist

Subject #118 (Jumping)

118_01	Jump
118_02	Jump
118_03	Jump
118_04	Jump
118_05	Jump
118_06	Jump
118_07	Jump
118_08	Jump
118_09	Jump
118_10	Jump
118_11	Jump
118_12	Jump
118_13	Jump
118_14	Jump
118_15	Jump
118_16	Jump
118_17	Jump
118_18	Jump
118_19	Jump
118_20	Jump
118_21	Jump
118_22	Jump
118_23	Jump
118_24	Jump
118_25	Jump
118_26	Jump
118_27	Jump
118_28	Jump
118_29	Jump
118_30	Jump
118_31	Motorcycle
118_32	Range of motion

Subject #120 (Various Style Walks)

120_01	Alien Turn
120_02	Gorilla
120_03	Mickey cast spell
120_04	Mickey Conducting
120_05	Mickey Dance
120_06	Mickey Dance
120_07	Mickey Dance
120_08	Mickey sneaky walk
120_09	Mickey sneaking walk
120_10	Mickey sneaking walk
120_11	Mickey sneaking walk
120_12	Mickey sneaking walk
120_13	Mickey sneaking walk
120_14	Mickey sneaking walk
120_15	Mickey Surprised
120_16	Mickey Surprised
120_17	Mickey Walk
120_18	Mickey Walk
120_19	Walk slow
120_20	Walk
120_21	Robot
120_22	Zombie

Subject #122 (Varying Height and Length Steps)

122_01	One large stride, right foot, forward diagonal.
122_02	One medium stride, right foot, forward diagonal.
122_03	One large stride onto box, right foot, forward diagonal.
122_04	clean
122_05	clean
122_06	clean
122_07	clean
122_08	clean
122_09	clean
122_10	clean
122_11	Unknown
122_12	clean
122_13	clean
122_14	clean
122_15	clean
122_16	clean
122_17	clean
122_18	clean
122_19	clean
122_20	clean
122_21	clean
122_22	clean
122_23	clean
122_24	clean
122_25	clean
122_26	clean
122_27	clean
122_28	clean
122_29	clean
122_30	clean
122_31	clean
122_32	clean
122_33	clean
122_34	clean
122_35	clean
122_36	clean
122_37	clean
122_38	clean
122_39	clean
122_40	clean
122_41	clean
122_42	clean
122_43	clean
122_44	clean
122_45	clean
122_46	clean
122_47	clean
122_48	clean
122_49	clean
122_50	clean
122_51	clean
122_52	clean
122_53	clean
122_54	clean
122_55	clean
122_56	clean
122_57	clean
122_58	cleaned
122_59	clean
122_60	clean
122_61	clean
122_62	clean
122_63	clean
122_64	clean
122_65	clean
122_66	clean
122_67	clean
122_68	clean

Subject #123 (Carry Suitcase with Varying Weights)

123_01	15.5 lbs
123_02	15.5 lbs
123_03	19.5lb
123_04	19.5 lbs
123_05	19.5 lbs
123_06	19.5 lbs
123_07	12.5lb
123_08	12.5 lbs
123_09	12.5 lbs
123_10	12.5lb
123_11	15.5 lbs
123_12	15.5 lbs
123_13	15.5 lbs

Subject #124 (Sports Related Motions)

124_01	Baseball Pitch
124_02	Baseball Pitch
124_03	Basketball Shoot
124_04	Basketball Free Throw
124_05	Basketball Jump Shot
124_06	Basketball Lay Up
124_07	Baseball Swing
124_08	Baseball Bunt
124_09	Frisbee
124_10	Motorcycle
124_11	2 Foot Jump
124_12	Underhand Toss
124_13	Underhand Fast Pitch

Subject #125 (Swimming)

125_01	Breast Stroke
125_02	Breast Stroke
125_03	Break Stroke
125_04	Breast Stroke
125_05	Butterfly
125_06	Free Style
125_07	Motorcycle

Subject #126 (Swimming 2)

126_01	Back Stroke
126_02	Back Stroke
126_03	Breast Stroke
126_04	Breast Stroke
126_05	Breast Stroke
126_06	Fly Stroke
126_07	Fly Stroke
126_08	Fly Stroke
126_09	Fly Stroke
126_10	Free Style
126_11	Free Style
126_12	Free Style
126_13	Motorcycle
126_14	Range of Motion

Subject #127 (Action Adventure Obstacles, running, jumping, ducking, rolling)

127_01	Motorcycle
127_02	Range of Motion
127_03	Run
127_04	Walk to Run
127_05	Run to Quick Stop
127_06	Run
127_07	Run
127_08	Run
127_09	Run Right
127_10	Run Right
127_11	Run Left
127_12	Run Left
127_13	Run Side Step Left
127_14	Run Side Step Right
127_15	Run Turn Left
127_16	Run Turn Right
127_17	Run Stop Run
127_18	Run Stop Run
127_19	Run Quick Stop Run
127_20	Run Quick Stop Run
127_21	Run Jump Stop Run
127_22	Run Jump Stop Run
127_23	Run Dive Over Roll Run
127_24	Run Dive Over Roll Run
127_25	Run Jump Over
127_26	Run Jump Over
127_27	Run Jump Over
127_28	Run Jump Over
127_29	Run Duck Underneath
127_30	Run Duck Underneath
127_31	Run Duck Underneath
127_32	Run Duck Underneath
127_33	Run Over
127_34	Run Over
127_35	Run Over
127_36	Run Over
127_37	Run Duck Underneath
127_38	Run Duck Underneath

Subject #128 (Action Adventure Motions running, ducking, rolling, stopping)

128_01	Motorcycle
128_02	Run Left
128_03	Run Right
128_04	Run Duck Underneath
128_05	Run Stop Run
128_06	Run Stop Run
128_07	Run Stop Run
128_08	Run Stop Run
128_09	Run Roll Underneath
128_10	Run Dive Over Roll Run
128_11	Run Dive Over Roll Run

Subject #131 (Michael Jackson Styled Motions)

131_01	Start Walk Stop
131_02	Start Walk Stop
131_03	Start Hop Stop
131_04	Start Hop Stop
131_05	Start Duck Underneath Stop
131_06	Start Duck Underneath Stop
131_07	Jump Stop
131_08	Jump Stop
131_09	Start Walk Left
131_10	Start Walk Left
131_11	Start Walk Left
131_12	Start Walk Right
131_13	Start Walk Right
131_14	Start Walk Right

Subject #132 (Varying Weird Walks)

132_01	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_02	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_03	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_04	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_05	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_06	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_07	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_08	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_09	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_10	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_11	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_12	Walk With Arms Out,  balancing
132_13	Walk Backwards
132_14	Walk Duck Footed
132_15	Walk With Knees Bent
132_16	Walk Crossover
132_17	Walk Fast
132_18	Walk Fast
132_19	Walk Fast
132_20	Walk Fast
132_21	Walk Fast
132_22	Walk Fast
132_23	Hop on left foot
132_24	Hop on left foot
132_25	Hop on left foot
132_26	Hop on left foot
132_27	Hop on left foot
132_28	Hop on left foot
132_29	Bouncy Walk
132_30	Bouncy Walk
132_31	Bouncy Walk
132_32	Bouncy Walk
132_33	Bouncy Walk
132_34	Bouncy Walk
132_35	Walk Leaning To The Right
132_36	Walk Leaning To The Right
132_37	Marching
132_38	Motorcycle
132_39	Pigeon Toed Walking
132_40	Walk With Stiff Arms
132_41	Walk With Stiff Arms
132_42	Walk Swinging Shoulders
132_43	Walk Swinging Shoulders
132_44	Walk Swinging Shoulders
132_45	Walk Slow
132_46	Walk Slow
132_47	Walk Slow
132_48	Walk Slow
132_49	Walk Slow
132_50	Walk Slow
132_51	Tpose
132_52	Range of Motion
132_53	Walk With Legs Apart
132_54	Walk With Wild Arms
132_55	Walk With Wild Legs
132_56	Walk With Wild Legs

Subject #133 (Baby Styled Walk)

133_01	Walk Crawl
133_02	Walk Crawl
133_03	Walk Jump
133_04	Walk Jump
133_05	Walk Jump
133_06	Walk Jump
133_07	Walk Jump
133_08	Stretch Walk
133_09	Stretch Walk
133_10	Stretch Walk
133_11	Walk Stop Walk
133_12	Walk Stop Walk
133_13	Walk Stop Walk
133_14	Walk Left
133_15	Walk Left
133_16	Walk Left
133_17	Walk Right
133_18	Walk Right
133_19	Walk Right
133_20	Walk Right
133_21	Walk
133_22	Walk
133_23	Walk
133_24	Walk ZigZag
133_25	Motorcycle
133_26	Range of Motion

Subject #134 (Skateboard Motions)

134_01	Duck Under
134_02	Go Forward
134_03	Lean Turn Right
134_04	Motorcycle
134_05	Pump Jump
134_06	Push Turn Left
134_07	Push Turn Left
134_08	Push Turn Right
134_09	Push Turn Right
134_10	Start
134_11	Start
134_12	Stop and Go
134_13	Stop and Go
134_14	Stop ang Go
134_15	Lean Turn Left

Subject #135 (Martial Arts Walks)

135_01	Bassai
135_02	Empi
135_03	Empi
135_04	Front Kick
135_05	Gedanbarai
135_06	Heiansyodan
135_07	Mawashigeri
135_08	Motorcycle
135_09	Oiduki
135_10	Syutouuke
135_11	Yokogeri

Subject #136 (Weird Walks)

136_01	Walk Bent Forward
136_02	Walk Bent Forward
136_03	Walk Backwards Bent Forward
136_04	Walk Backwards Bent Forward
136_05	Walk on Toes Bent Forward
136_06	Walk on Toes Bent Forward
136_07	Walk Backward on Toes Bent Forward
136_08	Walk Backward on Toes Bent Forward
136_09	Walk Crouched
136_10	Walk Crouched
136_11	Walk Backwards Crouched
136_12	Walk Backwards Crouched
136_13	Walk on Toes Crouched
136_14	Walk on Toes Crouched
136_15	Walk Backwards on Toes Crouched
136_16	Walk Backwards on Toes Crouched
136_17	Flamingo, lift legs high
136_18	Flamingo, lift legs high
136_19	Motorcycle
136_20	Normal Walk
136_21	Normal Walk
136_22	Normal Walk
136_23	Normal Walk
136_24	Normal Walk
136_25	Normal Walk Backwards
136_26	Normal Walk Backwards
136_27	Walk on Toes
136_28	Walk on Toes
136_29	Walk Backwards on Toes
136_30	Walk Backwards on Toes
136_31	Quail, quick little steps
136_32	Quail, quick little steps
136_33	Range of Motion

Subject #137 (Stylized Motions)

137_01	Cat Coffee Mug
137_02	Cat Pick Up
137_03	Cat Wait
137_04	Cat Walk
137_05	Chicken Coffee Mug
137_06	Chicken Pick Up
137_07	Chicken Wait
137_08	Chicken Walk
137_09	Dinosaur Coffee Mug
137_10	Dinosaur Pick Up
137_11	Dinosaur Wait
137_12	Dinosaur Walk
137_13	Drunk Coffee Mug
137_14	Drunk Pick Up
137_15	Drunk Wait
137_16	Drunk Walk
137_17	Gangly Teen Coffee Mug
137_18	Gangly Teen Pick Up
137_19	Gangly Teen Wait
137_20	Gangly Teen Walk
137_21	Graceful Lady Coffee Mug
137_22	Graceful Lady Pick Up
137_23	Graceful Lady Wait
137_24	Graceful Lady Walk
137_25	Motorcycle
137_26	Normal Coffee Mug
137_27	Normal Pick Up
137_28	Normal Wait
137_29	Normal Walk
137_30	Old Man Coffee Mug
137_31	Old Man Pick Up
137_32	Old Man Wait
137_33	Old Man Walk
137_34	Range of Motion
137_35	Sexy Lady Coffee Mug
137_36	Sexy Lady Pick Up
137_37	Sexy Lady Wait
137_38	Sexy Lady Walk
137_39	Strong Man Coffee Mug
137_40	Strong Man Pick Up
137_41	Strong Man Wait
137_42	Strong Man Walk

Subject #138 (Marching, Walking and Talking)
[Extended text descriptions and frame counts by B. Hahne, May 2009]

138_01	Marching straight line 806 frames.  Feet flip backwards during some segments.
138_02	Marching straight line 779 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_03	Marching straight line 680 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_04	Marching straight line 701 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_05	Marching straight line 371 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_06	Marching straight line 398 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_07	Marching straight line 385 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_08	Marching straight line 401 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_09	Marching straight line 427 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_10	Marching straight line 437 frames.  Feet flip backwards.
138_11	Walk straight line, one gesture with arms in air.  442 frames.
138_12	Straight casual walk 5 paces.  325 frames.
138_13	Straight casual walk, gesturing with hands at hip level.  432 frames.
138_14	Straight casual walk, gesturing with hands at waste level.  420 frames.
138_15	Straight casual walk, gesturing with hands at sides, ends with arms up high.  413 frames.
138_16	Straight casual walk, gesture hands at sides, ends with arms outspread.  428 frames.
138_17	Straight casual walk, lift left arm high in acknowledgement or wave halfway through sequence.  440 frames.
138_18	Straight casual walk with gesturing, two hand lifts or partial shrugs up to chest level.  387 frames.
138_19	Straight casual walk with gesturing, becomes more animated with higher arm lifts towards end of sequence.  460 frames.
138_20	Straight casual walk, right-arm wave 100 frames into sequence, arm lift towards end.  450 frames.
138_21	Straight casual walk with double-arm front wave ("no, no") halfway through sequence.  395 frames.
138_22	Straight casual walk with half-hearted right-arm wave halfway through sequence.  386 frames.
138_23	Straight casual walk with general waist-height arm gesturing.  459 frames.
138_24	Straight casual walk with right-arm double-fist shake followed by both arms up.  503 frames.
138_25	Straight walk with circular hand motion followed by wider zig-zag step pattern.  357 frames. 
138_26	Straight casual walk with double left-arm fist shake or waves.  Shrug towards end of sequence.  948 frames.
138_27	Straight casual walk with three body tilts/bends towards right side of body.  938 frames.
138_28	Straight casual walk with slight diagonal jump and backwards-look towards end of 
   sequence as if avoiding object or dog.  958 frames.
138_29	Straight casual walk with multiple "why me" arm lifts.  815 frames.
138_30	Standing check of left-arm wristwatch at start, followed by straight walk with arm-lift gestures.  1086 frames.  Frame 1 garbage.
138_31	"Zombie walk" sequence - head appears to be bent way down, arms move at chest height in clawing motions (or this
   might be a badly-tracked juggling sequence).  Ending frames not tracked well.  About 630 frames usable.
138_32	Straight casual walk forward with juggling motion.  About 800 frames usable.
138_33	Straight casual walk with swingy mild arm gestures at waist level.  About 700 frames usable.
138_34	Straight casual walk with left hand toss, right hand catch of object midway through sequence.  About 750 frames usable.
138_35	Straight casual walk with multiple two-handed upward tosses.  About 725 frames usable.
138_36	Standing in place followed by straight casual walk and two-handed upward tosses.  About 920 frames usable.
138_37	Casual straight march with right hand baton lifts in time to the march.  About 700 frames usable.
138_38	Straight walk with back-and-forth then up-and-down arm motions in front of body.  About 740 frames usable.
138_39	Straight walk with various significant arm gesturing.  About 750 frames usable.
138_40	Straight walk with various arm gesturing including right-arm throwing motion.  About 700 frames usable.
138_41	Straight walk with strong bend down and to the right as if dropping off a heavy object.  About 700 frames usable.
138_42	Straight walk, pick up object from ground with left hand while walking, then right-arm wave.  About 650 frames usable.
138_43	Straight walk with two-handed catching gesture and slight walk path deviation, followed by right-arm wave.  746 frames.
138_44	Mostly-straight walk with some path deviation and arm motions.  Unclear what the subject is doing.  About 650 frames usable.
138_45	Straight walk, catch small object then throw with right hand.  About 600 frames usable.
138_46	S-curve walk or run with arm swings.
138_47	Straight casual walk, catch small object with two hands then throw with right arm.  683 frames.
138_48	Straight casual walk, bend down towards right to catch incoming object.  630 frames.
138_49	Straight casual walk, bend down slightly towards right early in cycle, then toss with right hand.  About 530 frames usable.
138_50	Straight casual walk, catch small incoming object in front of body, then toss with right hand, all while walking.  About 670 frames usable.
138_51	Straight casual walk, catch small incoming object.  About 650 frames usable.
138_52	Straight casual walk with catching and toss-back motions during the walk.  About 800 frames usable.
138_53	Straight casual walk, catch object with two hands, toss back with left hand.  Two-handed catch towards end of cycle.  755 frames.
138_54	Straight casual walk, catch object fairly low then toss back.  Usable sequence is frames 80-784.
138_55	Straight casual walk with minor arm gestures.  396 frames.

Subject #139 (Action Walks, sneaking, wounded, looking around)

139_01	Looking Around
139_02	Shifting Weight
139_03	Looking Around
139_04	Looking Around
139_05	Pulling a Gun
139_06	Poking Around On The Ground
139_07	Poking Around On The Ground
139_08	Poking Around On The Ground
139_09	Ducking
139_10	Run
139_11	Run To Sneak
139_12	Run in Circles
139_13	Run in Circles
139_14	Sneak Sideways
139_15	Sneak Sideways
139_16	Get Up From Ground
139_17	Get Up From Ground
139_18	Get Up From Ground Laying on Back
139_19	Walk Wounded Leg
139_20	Walk Wounded Leg
139_21	Range Of Motion
139_22	Walk Wounded Leg
139_23	Walk Wounded Leg
139_24	Walk Wounded Leg
139_25	Giving Directions
139_26	Looking Around
139_27	Looking Around
139_28	Walking
139_29	Sneaking
139_30	Walking
139_31	Sneaking
139_32	Sneaking
139_33	Sneaking
139_34	Sneaking

Subject #140 (Getting Up From Ground)

140_01	Get Up Face Down
140_02	Get Up Face Down
140_03	Get Up Laying on Side
140_04	Get Up Laying on Side
140_05	Motorcycle
140_06	Idle
140_07	Idle
140_08	Get Up From Ground Laying on Back
140_09	Get Up From Ground Laying on Back

Subject #141 (General Subject Capture)

141_01	Run
141_02	Run
141_03	Run
141_04	Jump Distances
141_05	Jump Sideways
141_06	Jump Twist
141_07	Walk Up and Over
141_08	Steop On Walk Down
141_09	Step Over
141_10	Toss and Catch
141_11	Throw and Catch
141_12	Dance, Twist
141_13	Stretch and Yawn
141_14	Punch and Kick
141_15	Range of Motion
141_16	Wave Hello
141_17	Sit on Stool
141_18	Peek a Boo
141_19	Walk
141_20	Waiting
141_21	Shrug
141_22	High Five
141_23	Shake Hands
141_24	Around the world High Five Low
141_25	Walk
141_26	Curtsey
141_27	Mope
141_28	Slap Hands, Throw it Back
141_29	Random Walk
141_30	Random Walk
141_31	Walk Backwards
141_32	Walk Sideways, Cross Legs
141_33	Walk Sideways, Foot to Foot
141_34	Run

Subject #142 (Stylized Walks)

142_01	Childish
142_02	Clumsy
142_03	Clumsy
142_04	Cool
142_05	Depressed
142_06	Elated
142_07	Elderlyman
142_08	Happy
142_09	Joy
142_10	Lavish
142_11	Marching
142_12	Painfulleftknee
142_13	Relaxed
142_14	Rushed
142_15	Sad
142_16	Scared
142_17	Scared
142_18	Sexy
142_19	Shy
142_20	Singing in the rain jump
142_21	Singing in the rain jump
142_22	Sneaky

Subject #143 (General Subject Capture)

143_01	Run
143_02	Run to Stop
143_03	Start to Run
143_04	Run Figure 8
143_05	Jumping Distances
143_06	Jumping Heights
143_07	Jumping Sideways
143_08	Jumping Twists
143_09	Jumping Twists
143_10	Walk And Pick up Tool Box
143_11	Walk And Pick up Box
143_12	Walk And Pick up Toolbox
143_13	Walk and Pick up Laundry Basket
143_14	Walk And Step Over
143_15	Walk And Step Over
143_16	Walk And Step Over
143_17	Walk Up Stairs And Over
143_18	Sit Down And Get Up
143_19	Sit On Stool And Get Up
143_20	Catch And Throw
143_21	Range Of Motion
143_22	Catch And Throw Football
143_23	Punching
143_24	Kicking
143_25	Waving
143_26	Washing Window
143_27	Washing Window
143_28	Sweeping, Push Broom
143_29	Pacing
143_30	Stretch And Yawn
143_31	Hopscotch
143_32	Walk
143_33	Peek A Boo
143_34	Chicken Dance
143_35	Macarena Dance
143_36	Airplane
143_37	Climb Up And Down Ladder
143_38	Walk Digital 8
143_39	Walk Backwards
143_40	Walk Sideways
143_41	Sneak
143_42	Run

Subject #144 (punching female)

144_01	Cartwheels
144_02	Cartwheels001
144_03	Figure8s
144_04	Figure8s001
144_05	Front_Kicking
144_06	Front_Kicking001
144_07	Left_Blocks
144_08	Left_Blocks001
144_09	Left_Front_Kicking
144_10	Left_Front_Kicking001
144_11	Left_Lunges
144_12	Left_Lunges001
144_13	Left_Punch_Sequence001
144_14	Left_Punch_Sequence002
144_15	Left_Spin_reach001
144_16	Left_Spin_reach002
144_17	Lunges
144_18	Lunges001
144_19	motorcycle pose
144_20	Punch_Sequence
144_21	Punch_Sequence001
144_22	Reach_Left001
144_23	Reach_Left002
144_24	Reach_Right
144_25	Reach_Right001
144_26	Right_Blocks
144_27	Right_Blocks001
144_28	Right_Spin_reach
144_29	Right_Spin_reach001
144_30	Sun Salutation
144_31	Sun Salutation001
144_32	Sun Salutation002
144_33	Walking
144_34	Walking001

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